Love the Ocean

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


A lot of people in the country have never heard of superfoods, but they will be hearing a lot more about them in the very near future. So what are superfoods? Superfoods come in many different forms such as Greens, Fruits and Nuts, Bee, Seaweed, and Herbs. Superfoods are in a class all by themselves because they are found in nature. They are low in calories and dense in nutrients. This combination is critical if you are serious about optimizing your health.

So many people tell me that they eat good because they eat salads and a lot of veggies, but they don't understand that the concern is over the quality of foods grown on mineral depleted soils. Superfoods are the smart choice to provide your body what it needs. I am currently on nutrient dense super foods that consist of Greens, Fruits, and the highest grade whey protein that you could put in your body. It is from New Zealand and I'm not sure if you knew this, but it is against the law to inject any animal with anything, such as steroids, antibiotics, or hormones in that country.

Remember, superfoods are from the earth and the minerals are found around the world. The founder of our company owns many of the mineral rights to the ingredients in our products. These minerals cannot be utilized by other companies without his permission. The reason he owns them is so he can maintain the integrity of the products.

Greens are good for you, but green superfood is BETTER. Green superfood has a very high concentration of easily digestible nutrients, fat burning compounds, vitamins and minerals to protect and heal the body. Fruit and nut superfoods are high in antioxidants that fight free radicals in your body. The Bee superfood is many things, but it has the world's richest source of Vitamin B5. Seaweed superfoods are considered the most nutritionally dense plant on planet earth. Seaweed contains up to 10 times the amount of calcium than found in milk and 8 times more than beef. The chemical composition of seaweed is so close to human plasma that the greatest benefit is regulating and purifying our blood system.

The reason I believe these superfoods will dominate our food supply in the near future is because of two very important things. The first is the cost of food. You have probably noticed that the food in the markets are going up. Within two years the cost of food will be out of reach for the majority of Americans. The second reason is because of the quality of food. Our food supply has slowly been declining and now the biggest worry is over GMO's. Superfoods are natural and low cost compared to regular food and they have medicinal value.

I have been on a steady diet of nutrient dense super food and I have released a total of 18 pounds and have lost 2% body fat. If you are interested in learning more about this new program then please contact me today.

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