I know that I have been talking about personal responsibility, but it really goes beyond that. Of course, you have to get to a certain place before you can go beyond. Those that have been there know what I mean. Lately, I'm thinking about bigger things rather than focusing of the small day to day stuff.
So what do I mean about going beyond responsibility? It means that we not only have a responsibility to ourselves, but to others as well. What if you took really good care of yourself and someone in your family didn't? Don't you have a responsibility to care for them as they won't be able to do it for themselves? How about someone you don't know? That's right, we are actually paying for the people that don't take responsibility for their health.
Health Care costs are not going to go down and if Obamacare doesn't get repealed then our costs are going to go through the roof. So what if everyone did their part in taking better care of themselves? We could actually reduce health care costs over time. People would not be using the system very often and most likely would use it for just emergencies. I know this sounds good, but is it practical?
It boils down to one thing and that is to take RESPONSIBILITY for your own health. Don't you feel the same way? Or are you one of those people that say, "I'll let the government take care of me". Here in lies the problem we have in this country. The government has so many people that they take care of that it is impossible to reduce any costs. Do you want to guess who has to pay for all those people that the Government takes care of? If you guessed you and me you are correct. Our tax dollars continue to climb so these programs can get funded.
I want you to know that I'm not some jerk who doesn't care about people because I do. I'm just pointing out that the responsibility falls on every one's shoulders. If the Government wants to hand out our tax dollars then why don't they make everyone take better care of themselves. Or better yet, why don't they supply people with nutrient dense food from Isagenix. If you have a steady diet of good nutrition that would solve many problems we have in this country. People would be healthier and health care costs would go down. I realize that is never going to happen, but it is a great idea.
Every one of us does have a responsibility to be healthy, but we have gotten away from the basics. Let's go back to the basics and get more people involved in better nutrition. Make healthy foods more affordable and junk food more expensive. Not to be negative, but that system probably wouldn't work either because given a choice most people would choose unhealthy foods. That is just the facts of it. We develop our kids to be conditioned to eat junk and unhealthy food instead of providing them with a better choice. The better choice, unfortunately, is not as good tasting as the junk. This is where the responsibility comes in. Give your kids better choices and maybe, just maybe they will take that and run with it. It is not too late to begin taking responsibility!!!
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